On December 15, 2020, CBSA issued a notice outlining the process for applying tariff codes 9813 and 9814 to regulated goods. That process has been rescinded by the CBSA:

This notice is to advise importers and customs brokers that the CBSAs policy pertaining to the importation and release of regulated Canadian Goods Returning using tariff codes 9813 and 9814, cannot be supported via the Single Window Initiative (SWI) Integrated Import Declaration (IID), service option 911 (i.e. you can no longer submit these using the regulated product HS code and then amend the HS after release to 9813/9814).
Although discussions have been ongoing, without any formal policy modifications, the CBSA must process these imports as per the current policy outlined in D17-14 Release of Commercial Goods, which states that these entries are to be cleared using a paper release package.
The release of non-regulated Canadian Goods Returning using tariff codes 9813 and 9814 can continued to be cleared using the SWI IID.