Important Update: Delay in CARM Rollout & Continued Preparation Steps


The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has recently announced that the rollout of the CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) project to importers and customs brokers is postponed until October 2024.

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has recently announced that the rollout of the CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) project to importers and customs brokers is postponed until October 2024.


The internal CBSA launch will still proceed on May 13th, but further deployment to trade partners is delayed.

Given these changes here are our recommendations to our clients:


  1. Register and familiarize yourself with the CARM portal.
  2. Await further instructions from JORI on managing RPP bonds.
  3. Stay vigilant for any updates or communications from JORI regarding changes related to CARM. Our CARM support offerings may change if there are any significant changes to CARM between now and October 2024.

At JORI we prioritize both customer service and customs compliance. We’re committed to being your customs broker partner, not just a company there to process data. This will be even more important starting May 13th when CARM rolls out internally at the CBSA.


In the official CBSA statement on CARM, the CBSA specifically state that CARM will enhance the CBSA’s capacity to enforce compliance more effectively. Furthermore, the CBSA aims to use CARM to identify and correct errors in duty and tax submissions, addressing concerns such as the misclassification of goods—a problem identified by the Auditor General of Canada as affecting up to 20% of imported goods.




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