New CPTPP Preferential Tariff For Peru

On September 19, 2021, the CPTPP entered into force for Peru, which then joined Canada, Australia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore and Vietnam as Parties to the Agreement. The List of Countries and Applicable Tariff Treatment schedule has not been updated to indicate Peru as a party and eligible for the CPTPP.
Use of Chapter 98 on Regulated Goods- Updated

On December 15, 2020, CBSA issued a notice outlining the process for applying tariff codes 9813 and 9814 to regulated goods. That process has been rescinded by the CBSA:
Canada-United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement (CUKTCA) Rules of Origin Memorandum D11-5-18

The Canada – United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement (CUKTCA) replicates the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) on a bilateral basis. This memorandum contains a link to the CUKTCA Rules of Origin Regulations and provides a link to the Global Affairs Canada website where additional information can be found.
8 Factors to Consider When Selecting a 3rd Party Fulfillment Provider

3rd party fulfillment is an integral part of any eCommerce logistics strategy. When done right, online merchants can reach new customers and differentiate themselves by providing a positive customer buying experience.
JORI is Rated 1 Of 5 Logistics Firms with the Best Freight Forwarder in Calgary

We are thrilled that JORI Logistics was rated one of 5 logistics firms with the best freight forwarding capabilities in Calgary, locally by thebestcalgary. Being recognized by fellow Calgarians is something we are very proud of & happy to share with you here!
Market Update: National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America, Inc.

Customs brokers, freight forwarders and NVOCCs are reporting serious and persistent problems in the supply chain.
The Basics of eCommerce and 3rd Party Fulfillment

Third-party fulfillment is an outsourced logistics solution where a business (merchant) contracts a 3rd party company to store its merchandise, pick and pack its orders, and handle its last mile shipping from the fulfillment center to its end customer.
eCommerce Logistics as a Market Entry Strategy for Companies Selling to Global Customers

eCommerce is growing rapidly. Learn how to leverage eCommerce logistics and fulfillment to reach new customers around the world.
Mandatory Changes to the Canadian Import Process Effective May 25, 2021

Effective May 25, 2021, the CBSA will roll out phase 1 of its CARM Client Portal, an online initiative to increase visibility to Canadian import data.
JORI’s VP Featured on the Daily Edition

Our President Sam Woods was recently interview by journalist Matt Gurney on the Daily Edition to discuss container shipping challenges that have arisen globally amidst the pandemic.